Monday, May 10, 2010


I had a Pulse of the People letter published in this paper this past Saturday, May 8th, that was missing a couple of things.
* I failed to mention a very nice gesture on Mayor Tutunjian's part. You see, a good number of our chocolate bunnies melted prior to the Easter egg hunt. The mayor replaced, out of his own pocket, the melted bunnies, with an entire case of new ones. It was done without any fan fare, and was truly a gesture straight from the heart. Thanks Harry!
* I also failed to mention my son Vito III, who wore the bunny suit in some very intense heat. My boy fully realizes at an early age the importance of giving back to your community. He's a great kid who is always a big help at the many special events I'm involved in within the city. Special thanks goes out to both Harry & Vito III, and my apologies to them both for the oversight in my recent letter to the editor.

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